Ready to unleash the wildman within? Then, “Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one” (Marcus Aurelius). Essentially putting Aurelius’ principle into practice in 2023, Oskar Kroes’ ‘Wild Brotherhood – Unleash the Wild Man’ workshop this Sunday aims to catalyse men to become their better self. The Dutch school teacher and rising men’s empowerment instructor will be guiding male participants to experience a fresh, profound and modern understanding of self-awareness and connection. In seven purposeful hours, the participants will engage in exercises that facilitate them to discover how qualities like vulnerability and courage, relief and responsibility, hard truths and freedom, can all coexist in them at once.


Aimed at helping men bond not through paintballing games or sleepy psychobabble but with dynamic tried and tested, mind-body-soul-activating methods, Kroes’ workshop, one of several of its kind that have become highly popular around the world, and especially in the US, over the last few years, is a very novel concept for Athens. Kroes presents men with a new paradigm of how “manhood”, “brotherhood” and “masculinity” can be newly defined and experienced, while holding presence and maintaining a safe space.

The workshops at Innerflow By Mia Adamidou address perhaps one of the most vital issues faced today in our global society: the re-establishment of what it means to be a man. They aim to inspire men to dig deep inside themselves and mine their masculine power to be able to express their own ideas, feelings and vulnerability with courage, without having to take on toxic masculine roles that disempower others. By creating a balance within themselves, between strength and vulnerability, they can live healthier and happier lives.

The workshop will centre around different kinds of exercises, interactive work, talking, but also impactful physical work. “They’re faced with some very difficult questions, which they address head-on, and expose their shadow. This is a very liberating and empowering thing to do. The workshop is a huge invitation to take off your mask in front of other men and show what you are actually feeling, while seeing them do the same,” says Kroes. “When we take off our masks, there’s instant connection. It takes courage, but vulnerability can only be reached from a place of power”.

After the workshop ends, what participants all come away with, according to Kroes, is the important realisation that they are part of a greater, supportive and rewarding, circle. “Brotherhood is medicine in itself. Knowing that you don’t have to do it all alone and can always ask for help because your brothers have your back,” he says.

Bad examples of male dominance and machismo throughout the millennia as much as today’s widely woke culture, have “put masculinity in a tough spot,” says Kroes. “Above all, if we are the ancestors of many men to come, we can’t start this kind of work soon enough, to become better men for our children and the women around us. Because I’m so close to my wife Margo, who does sacred women’s work, I am aware of how unsafe women feel around men, and with good reason. We need to change this, we need for men to step up and say ‘I am going to change and make you safe’. One man who heals himself, heals others too.”

The workshop Wild Brotherhood – Unleash the Wild Man‘ will take place at Innerflow by Mia Adamidou, a vibrant and contemporary therapy space near Syntagma Square, where since 2002 its owner Mia Adamidou has been offering private and group psychotherapy and Family Constellation sessions. She has also been active in organising regular wellness-centred workshops taught by herself and numerous leading therapists and teachers from across the world. Adamidou has also been offering popular workshops for women and sometimes men too, that address the masculine and the feminine as well as the inner child, societal roles and family dynamics.

‘Sisterhood Heals’ Workshop for Women

On Friday, October 6 she will be running a workshop with Kroes’ wife, Margo Awanata. Awanata is a prominent figure internationally in women’s workshops that aim to offer their all-female participants healing, empowerment, connectivity and illumination in a safe space, often in lush natural spots where the participants can connbect with themselves, each other and the elements. The “Sisterhood Heals” workshop will be taking place at Innerflow on Friday October 6 from 6pm to 10pm and Saturday from 11am-6pm. More information.