This winter too, beloved Arachova gathers everyone to its scenic streets, and its ski centre, and invites them to enjoy its lively night life. So, nothing has changed during this Covid-19 era? Things have changed, and it’s for the best.


Arachova has everything that makes a destination popular. It’s scenic and cosmopolitan, it has a long tradition and a lively night life, it offers shopping options, the chance to see celebrities, as well as new faces, so, overall, you’ll never get bored. Even though this cosmopolitan village has been quiet for almost two years now, due to the pandemic, its lasting fame, that identifies Arachova’s brand with glam and the Athenian elite, with the end of the (any) “crisis”, brings it back among the top winter destinations.

First and foremost, one thing is certain: lockdowns, Covid-19 restrictions, and the rest, don’t affect Arachova. It’s packed. And as someone has – very well – put it: “We come to Arachova to be crowded.” Like we always have, like we knew how to. The parked cars form long lines in the weekend. Hotel occupancy rates reach 90% and are estimated to reach 95% during the Christmas holidays. Reservations are required on Fridays and Saturdays, especially for the party restaurants, and Lakka square is packed full.

Of course, despite the happy atmosphere something has changed in the mood, the attitude, the approach to fun. Yes, people dance and stay up late, but the atmosphere is more lounge nowadays. Parties are quieter, smaller. A drink and a chat while music plays is now what most visitors are after, even though they arrive in hordes. It’s the pandemic and the obligatory changes in our social rituals that more or less we’ve all become accustomed to. The crowds gather outside, around the heaters, the necessary papers are checked, and, in general, there is some restraint.

What has changed and what is changing

The important changes are other and relate mainly to the human geography of the village, and their (positive) effects will soon show.

*During the lockdown, many Athenians that had a country house in Arachova or Livadi, came here to be safer, and if their financial situation or work allowed, even moved permanently here. As a result, the large taverns in Livadi remained opened during the summer. Also, takeout and delivery was very popular, while the grocery stores and supermarkets in the village did very well too. The village remains alive during the summer, and the perception of Arachova mainly as a winter destination is slowly changing and people are starting to view it as a destination for every season. The increase of permanent residents, and wealthy at that, will also improve the level in the quality of services.

*The increase of young people. More young people come to Arachova, couples, young families, groups of friends. Did they not come in the past? They did. But it’s different now. They are more informed, they have studied beforehand details about their accommodation to get the best prices, they choose services wisely, they manage their money sensibly. They seek alternative kinds of tourism, a trend that already in 2015 was becoming apparent (they explore the forest, they visit the Corycian Cave, they go mountain biking, horseback riding etc). Something that didn’t happen as much in the past.

We should also mention another important factor. Even though the village has been considered mainly, if not only, a winter destination for Athenians, this has not been true during the Covid-19 restrictions. Apart from Athenians, visitors from the whole of Central Greece come to Arachova, especially from the nearby villages and towns, like Lamia, Amfissa, Livadeia, Galaxidi, Thiva, Antikyra who don’t have anywhere else to go for a satisfying nightlife. So, the young people of the wider area come here to have fun, in the anonymity offered in Arachova.

*The spread to the surrounding area. An increasing number of visitors heads to Agoriani, Polidroso (a village on the rise), Delphi, Itea, Galaxidi, Antikyra, during the day, and not just because they are nice villages – which they are. Arachova is becoming the epicentre of a “Tourism Mega-Centre of Parnassus”, benefiting the surrounding villages and at the same time bringing balance to Arachova, in terms of the equation “number of visitors – good service”. So, the day, for a large number of visitors when there isn’t snow or for those not interested in the ski centre, starts with breakfast and brunch at one of the all-day cafés, and continues with excursions to the wider area. In the evening, return to Arachova for dinner at one of the classic restaurants, or for going out at one of the all-day cafés that operate as bars until late at night and at the party restaurants.

*Many of the visitors who come to Arachova are not only interested in skiing and other winter sports. They also come for the ambience, the nice lodgings, the nice walks, the food, the landscape. The ski centre, weather allowing, is without doubt a focal attraction, but not for everyone (some visitors come to the chalet at the ski centre to sunbathe and watch the people). All these visitors who are not die-hard ski fans, create a need in the market. Organized walks in the woods, a wild weekend with friends at a party restaurant (a trend that first started in 2017) or a weekend in nature, horseback riding, romantic seclusion for two at a lovely guesthouse, bars at night, great food, spending a relaxed day at the all-day cafés. Arachova is no longer synonymous to large jeeps with skis tied to their roof.

*Arachova offers hospitality services of the highest quality. It has experienced staff that in the summer works at the islands and in the winter returns to Arachova. This is not something common for top tourist destinations.

Of course, in the past two years nothing new has been built – and very few things will be built if the buildings that have been constructed in Livadi, Agoriani and the surrounding villages, isn’t sold. At the moment, this is balanced out by the fact that many wealthy and famous are selling or renting out lovely villas and houses in Livadi (at a high price) to recoup expenses. Airbnb, at times quite luxurious, is also playing a role in the upgrade of the hospitality sector. What will happen in the near future? The demand that is predicted to be on the rise, especially in terms of the expansion of the tourist period into the summer, something that up to an extent is already happening, will shape it.

In conclusion, the changes that occurred in the past two years are transforming the beloved Arachova into a more complete – possibly the most complete – suggestion for a winter destination in Greece. Competition, each year stronger, is a defining factor and as a result the services become better in terms of quality. The village functions as a leader for the development of the surrounding villages on mount Parnassus, which in turn bring more people to Arachova. And of course, there’s always the ski centre, the largest and best organised in the country, as well as the large number of visitors from Athens that raise the standards.