Samothrace, the island of water. Not just of sea water that surrounds it, but also of the water that streams across it.


Not one, not two, but 61 streams cross the island with the highest mountain in the Aegean Sea. Some smaller and other bigger, before they flow into the sea, they form waterfalls and water basins, known as “vathres” (sing. vathra). These water basins are natural pools ideal for swimming that add to the natural landscape of Samothrace and are a popular attraction for the island’s visitors.

Gria Vathra is one of the best known vathres on the island, in fact it is a complex of lakes and waterfalls. It’s near the thermal springs and is surrounded by thick vegetation and humidity. To visit it, follow the path that starts at the village Therma. The path is easy to begin with but does get more challenging gradually.

The hike to the first two vathres is very easy and suitable for everyone. To get to the third one, you must dip into the second. From there on it’s best to have an experienced guide, as after the third vathra the climb is much harder; the brave and fit will be rewarded by a truly dreamy setting.

You’ll have to climb a somewhat steep rock, to get to a beautiful, small and shallow vathra with a waterfall, where you can enjoy a natural jacuzzi, an experience you’ll remember for a long time. Next, you need to slowly step on the rocks by this waterfall and climb to the next, quite big and deep vathra that is further up. There is a strong rope tied to a large plane tree there, that people often use to dive into the pool although many just jump off the rock.

Your climb in this exotic part of Samothrace will continue in a similar way, with some parts of the way being easier and others more challenging, with smaller and larger vathres, and, of course, with a spa in cool waters underneath the ancient plane trees. There will be spots you need to climb, and other spots you’ll have to get in the water to take the next step, until you reach the last lake.

In total, the vathres of Gria, from the large ones to the very small, are estimated to be around 62. The route is amazing and very stimulating. There is a rich vegetation, from beautiful plane trees to oleanders, and from chasteberries and ferns to mint, emitting fresh scents, there are birds and cicadas singing out loud, and dragonflies adding their colour to the scene.

This is what you’ll experience at Gria Vathra, one of the stunning beauties of Samothrace. It’s definitely worth a visit, as it combines exercise – walking, climbing, swimming – an amazing view and relaxation in a natural jacuzzi. And of course, on your way back, after such physical exertion you deserve a stop at one of the taverns at the end of the path.