Tucked away in Halkidiki, the picturesque village of Arnaia sits amphitheatrically at 600 meters above sea level, in the embrace of the northern slopes of the lush Mount Holomontas. Arnaia captivates visitors with its unique charm and holds the promise of unforgettable experiences. Here, you’ll encounter Despoina Katsiamouri and her family’s apothecary. A specialized phytotherapist, Despoina grew up in Arnaia before returning to establish her own herb-processing laboratory and phytotherapeutic product company, RIZES. Passionate about herbal syrups, she has crafted two distinct formulas approved by Greece’s National Organization of Medicines.


Despoina’s first brush with phytotherapy took place in Pisa, Italy, where she completed her postgraduate studies in pharmaceutical aromatic plants. Further honing her expertise, she pursued a second specialization in clinical phytotherapy. Deep in the heart of Tuscany, in a stunning medieval village, Despoina worked in a cosmetics lab where beauty products were created using herbs hand-picked by the very proprietors who lovingly oversaw every step of production. This inspiring experience set the stage for her journey into the world of therapeutic herbs.

Returning to Arnaia, armed with newfound inspiration and knowledge, she set out to replicate her experience, starting with her own pharmacy. She began foraging on the mountain, drying and processing plants, combining them with locally sourced honey and propolis. Ultimately, she crafted her own herbal syrups. As word spread, people’s interest grew, and the demand soared—largely because the results of using her syrups exceeded those of commercial products.

Her plant-based syrups contain up to 13 different herbal extracts, always combined with propolis and honey. The first approved syrup soothes dry coughs and irritated throats. The second syrup clears airways and calms productive coughs, particularly for those with phlegm and smokers. The remarkable thing about Despoina is that she maintained the exact recipe and philosophy with which these concoctions were made before they became commercialized.

Our conversation about ingredients leads us to the aromatic myrtle (Myrtus communis), featured in the first syrup. Myrtle is a tall shrub, reaching 3-5 meters, with rich branching and dense foliage. It blooms with white flowers in the spring. In mythology, it is considered the sacred plant of Aphrodite. Legend has it that the goddess emerged from the sea, naked, and hid behind a myrtle bush. As a result, the plant became linked to youth and beauty in human consciousness.

Traditionally, myrtle branches were used to decorate weddings and other joyful events. Its leaves and flowers, rich in essential oils, tannins, and flavonoids, are utilized. The characteristic myrtle scent is released by rubbing its leaves, reminiscent of something akin to orange. These dried leaves can be made into tea, tincture, essential oil, and floral water. Therapeutically, it works wonders on the respiratory system due to its decongestant and antiseptic properties. It blends beautifully in a botanical beverage with soothing mallow and aromatic licorice, which is also decongestant. Chamomile and silver linden can also be added.

One of the key ingredients in Despina’s syrups is mullein (Verbascum thapsus), a biennial plant that forms a base of densely-haired leaves in its first year and a vertical spike of yellow flowers in its second. Commonly found in open mountain expanses and grazing lands, mullein leaves were traditionally used as a natural toilet paper. Despina has also heard of another traditional use from an older villager: in the past, locals would collect the seeded flowers towards the end of their bloom and scatter them in the sea, seemingly catching more fish due to the flowers containing a substance that disorients them.

This plant has been known since ancient times. Dioscorides experimented with its root, Pliny with its leaves, until they determined the most valuable part of the plant containing the most potent active ingredients. Back then, mullein was a trusted remedy for horse asthma, a vital aid in their everyday lives. Today, according to pharmacopoeia, we primarily use the flowers as an infusion for respiratory problems. The plant’s properties particularly target cases of pharyngitis accompanied by dry cough and cold. Mullein has demulcent, expectorant, and mucolytic properties, making it a suitable infusion with soothing coltsfoot, mallow, marshmallow root, and the antitussive herb horehound, which work synergistically. Finally, for flavor enhancement, aromatic elderflower, chamomile, licorice, or orange blossoms could be added.

Despina’s favorite ingredient, present in every one of her concoctions, is undoubtedly propolis. She first encountered it in Italy, as beekeepers back in her homeland of Arnaia didn’t utilize it and there was no tradition of its use. By scraping propolis from the beehive, we obtain a powerful natural antibiotic with antimicrobial properties. As its name “pro polis” suggests, bees use it to fortify their hive, providing protection from cold – the primary invader – and other foreign organisms that may enter. It should be noted that, for this reason, humans must carefully remove only limited amounts of propolis from each hive.

Propolis is essentially an animal product derived from nature. Bees collect resinous substances, mainly from buds, enhance the material with wax, pollen, and their enzymes, and use it as a primary disinfectant to seal the honeycomb, store honey, and in the area where the queen will give birth. We mainly use it in tincture form because the active ingredients of the resin of this hard material are better extracted with alcohol.

With a unique taste, rich in flavonoids, aromatic acids, and essential oil, it has significant external antimicrobial action on open wounds and injuries, as well as healing and regenerative properties. Now scientifically documented, it is famous for its internal use, which strengthens the immune and respiratory systems, especially in the prevention and treatment of the common cold. Finally, it has significant anesthetic properties, useful for severe trauma or toothache. Another method of use is gargling for sore throats, pharyngitis, and laryngitis.

Despina’s company logo expresses the philosophy and vision of the company. Specifically, it seeks to highlight the similarity between a fingerprint and the vertical cross-section of a tree trunk. This similarity reminds us that we belong to nature, that it is our origin, our vital source, and each time we must refer to it. We are now able to draw ideas from folk tradition and enrich them with modern knowledge and information. And to produce, thus, products that are friendly to humans, effective, and without side effects, with prevention rather than treatment being the primary focus.

Read also:

The herbs of Crete

Getting to Know some of the Amazing Herbs of Evia, Greece

The Many Faces of Halkidiki – A Destination for Every Season